1 month Kickboxing course – 8 sessions for a £40 one off fee. (Usually £6 a class)
This includes 4 week access to Friday Fitness @ 7pm. Saving you an additional £12! Also includes your yearly association membership saving you another £12!
Thats a total saving of £32!
With two classes a week, our 4 week beginner’s kickboxing course is designed for complete beginners or those who haven’t trained in a while. It’s a great way to start out in martial arts – our experienced instructors will teach you all the essentials, helping you to develop:
- correct body mechanics
- fundamental boxing and kicking techniques
- increased flexibility, fitness, strength and confidence
It’s designed for complete beginners so all you need is a willingness to try!
Start your journey now in a fun and friendly atmosphere alongside fellow beginners.
Our next course starts on 31st January and will take place every Wednesday from 5-6pm and Friday from 5.30-6.30pm
Please contact us to register your interest and book your place!
Sign up now. New course starts next week![]()
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